Kevin Hancock

Just to simply say, this weekend was great.  Very fun and enjoyable.  I was so lucky to be with people from Taiwan that know where to take us foreigners.  We drove around on mopeds all weekend.  I was one of the drivers.  It was a blast.  I saw many beautiful sights and we had a great time cooking out at a BBQ on the beach. 

I will try and post more and add pictures soon.  Just too busy now.  My company visits are done now.  I have one more homework assignment for Thermo, three more days of class, four lectures too watch for Thermo, two labs for green energy, my machine to build, my good bye party to go to, and shopping to be done.  Less then a week to go.  Wish me luck!

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    My name is Kevin Hancock.      I am studying abroad from June-August of 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan.  Here is a blog of my experiences.


    August 2010
    July 2010
    June 2010
    May 2010



    RSS Feed


    Fun Fact!!!!!!!!
    (I will try and update this often.)

    In Taiwan they don't normally drink anything with their meal because they always have rice.  They say the rice will fill up with the moisture and make their stomach hurt.  Many restaurants don't have anything for you to drink.  After you eat, you find a near by tea shop and get something there.

    There is a separate lane for mopeders because there are so many here.
    Kleenexs are used as facial tissues, napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper!

    You can count to 9 on one hand in Taiwan.

    You shouldn't place your chop sticks in your food.  It is correct to set them on top of your bowl.  Sticking them in the bowl represents incense in ashes, which is done in temples.