Kevin Hancock

My class started on Monday, it is now Wednesday and I had my second class today.  I enjoyed class today.  We learned about photocatylists.  It was very interesting.  It is a method of using light to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen.  It can then be used for many thing such as, cleaning, filtration, energy, fuel cells, and more.  I found the part about fuel cells very interesting.    They can get free energy by only using water and a little bit of a chemical agent.  When the photocatylist works with the fuel cell the water, hydrogen, and oxygen can be recycled through the system.  This system also uses the air for oxygen and the sun for the light.  It is not developed enough to mass produce but they can do experimental models of it.  We may get to make a photocatylist. 

My work is continuing to go well.  I finished drawing the parts and assembling them.  I still have more work to do with the 2D sketches.  2D sketches will be used when we build the parts.  I also have to number the parts and do an animation.  I willlearn how to program the motor to work with a controller.  I think the standard parts will be ordered tomorrow.

I have a Thermo project and test coming up.  I will need to do some homework and study this week.  Busy, busy, busy.  But I always am!

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    My name is Kevin Hancock.      I am studying abroad from June-August of 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan.  Here is a blog of my experiences.


    August 2010
    July 2010
    June 2010
    May 2010



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    Fun Fact!!!!!!!!
    (I will try and update this often.)

    In Taiwan they don't normally drink anything with their meal because they always have rice.  They say the rice will fill up with the moisture and make their stomach hurt.  Many restaurants don't have anything for you to drink.  After you eat, you find a near by tea shop and get something there.

    There is a separate lane for mopeders because there are so many here.
    Kleenexs are used as facial tissues, napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper!

    You can count to 9 on one hand in Taiwan.

    You shouldn't place your chop sticks in your food.  It is correct to set them on top of your bowl.  Sticking them in the bowl represents incense in ashes, which is done in temples.